This kit contains:
- 1 x Natural Unpolished Abalone Shell
- 1 x Raw Rainbow Moonstone
- 1 x Labradorite Tumble
- 1 x Raw Black Tourmaline
- 1 x Clear Quartz Moon
- 1 x White Sage Stick
- 1 x Selenite Stick
Rainbow Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings. It is perfect for easing stress and anxiety, as it brings a sense of peace to the body and mind. It is also a great stone to assist with clearing the mind, allowing intuition to be enhanced.
Labradorite is a considered a stone of magic and transformation, powerful in awakening supersensory abilities. It is used to activate a sense of multiple levels of consciousness and protect from negative influences.
Black Tourmaline is especially useful in protecting against negative energies. It is a cleansing and grounding stone. Place this stone in the home or carry around to block negative energies.
Clear Quartz is one of the most powerful crystals for amplifying energy and healing. It can be used to cleanse and refocus the mind, body and spirit. It is great for increasing concentration and focus, or for use when setting intentions. Place this crystal in your home to cleanse the energy, increase clarity and enhance peace.
White sage is considered a sacred, purifying, cleansing and protective plant. Smudging with white sage is often done in ceremonies and rituals to rid a person, space or object of negative energy and/or bad spirits. Through the process of smudging it can neutralise our aura or the energy of other spaces/objects to cleanse and renew. Setting an intention before smudging always helps you to use the white sage to its full potential.
Selenite is a stone for cleansing and clarity, providing you with the support to clear your mind and sharpen your awareness. The stone provides protection against negative energy to create a peaceful and safe space. Selenite cleanses crystals renewing their energy. A Selenite stick is ideal for cleansing your home or placing above doorways to cleanse the energy that comes in and out.
As with all of the crystals at Sapphire and Soul, these crystals are not only the highest quality but are individually sourced and cleansed prior to being sent to their new home.